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Charity Raffle .. 12 October 2015
Replica dreamcoat charity auction Lee announced on Twitter on 12 October that the Amazing Replica Dreamcoat he is modelling (right) is to be auctioned for charity. This incredibly detailed replica was hand-made from scratch by Mr Ashley Banwell, who I believe works in the Casualty Costume Department. His beautiful handiwork took five months to complete, with each individual sequin stitched by hand.

Following a number of requests, he reconsidered the auction approach and agreed that the coat should be the prize in a raffle to be organised by the charity of which Lee is proud to be patron - Equal People PA and the associated Mushroom Theatre Company.

The raffle was drawn on Saturday 19 December and the winner announced on the Equal People website.

There are a few more pictures below showing off Ashley's amazing handiwork - two tweeted on the day Lee arrived at work to find the coat in Wardrobe and two more from the day he announced the auction. Click the thumbnails for larger images.
Replica dreamcoat charity auction Replica dreamcoat charity auction Replica dreamcoat charity auction Replica dreamcoat charity auction The dedicated team of staff and volunteers at Equal People and Mushroom do incredible work in their local community making performing arts accessible to all. They are always in need of financial support, making extremely good use of all contributions received, and I hope this raffle raises huge amounts for them.

Published: 12/10/2015; last updated: 22/01/2020
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