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Bedlam : S2 Ep 4 - Jude .. 27 June 2012
Lee Mead guest-starring in Bedlam, June 2012 Lee followed up his TV drama debut in Casualty last year with a guest role in the altogether spookier Bedlam, back for a second series on Sky Living. He plays Scott, a repairman, who moves into the apartment complex with his troubled younger brother, Jude (talented youngster Alex Starke), after their mother dies.

Jude's lack of speech fast becomes the least of Scott's problems as Jude is possessed by the spirit of a former child patient of Bedlam Heights who holds his elder brother responsible for his horrific treatment there and, ultimately, his death.

Lee handled the complex emotions of struggling to do the right thing by a brother he fears with a dexterity which belies his relatively limited acting experience.

There are screencaps and with my apologies to those of the cast whose other scenes have hit the cutting room floor, here's an edited version of the episode telling just Scott and Jude's Story, also featuring series regulars Lacey Turner (Ellie) and Jack Roth (Max).

Last updated: 27/06/2016
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