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Holby City .. 13 February 2018

And the last bit of the winter trailer falls into place with the 'kiss in the car park' ... but we're still left guessing as to where or when (I know a song like that!) or even if Lofty and Dom will finally get together! But after Dom's reaction following their last close encounter, I can understand Lofty wanting to be sure he's acting with sober intent rather than 'under the influence' before he risks his heart again in another.

With neither of them on next week's cast list (though Lofty's gran is!), I fear we may be heading into Lee's panto break with the slow burn still just barely flickering ... let's hope there's a little more before we lose him (temporarily) to the stage!

Synopsis: Roxanna hopes Oliver will risk another surgery to remove the bullet which is poisoning his brain. Meanwhile, Fletch's obsession with security turns a supposed intruder into a patient, and Jason's girlfriend Greta shows up on AAU hiding a secret behind her illness.

The full episode will be available to watch on BBC iPlayer until Thursday 15 March 2018 and here, with my apologies to those of the cast who have hit the cutting room floor, is the 'Lofty edit'! As usual, there are also a few screencaps.

Check out the Timeline's HOLBY & CASUALTY INDEX for all the latest Meady Holby news and episode info.

Published: 01/02/2018; last updated 15/02/2018
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