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Holby City .. 14 August 2018

All was quiet on the Lee / Lofty / Dofty front, at least as far as the synopsis was concerned... and so it was to prove in the episode itself, the only surprise being quite HOW brief Lofty's appearance was (I think it may in fact hold the record). Dom didn't fare much better and the two were not seen together at all, so no Dofty developments this week. And none next week either as they're not in the ep! Patience... I'm told it's a virtue.

Synopsis: Tensions between Roxanna and Gaskell come to a head as they clash over the treatment of a patient close to their hearts. Meanwhile, Fletch wrestles with the guilt of having said things he can't take back, and Serena crosses paths with a mysterious new porter.

The full episode can be viewed on BBC iPlayer until 13 September 2018 while below, with my apologies to those of the cast who have hit the cutting room floor, is a veritable 'blink and you'll miss him' Lofty edit.

Check out the Timeline's HOLBY & CASUALTY INDEX for all the latest Meady Holby news and episode info.

Published: 02/08/2018; last updated: 14/08/2018
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