Lee Mead .. Timeline
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Any Dream Will Do (and Timeline!) Anniversary .. June 2009
On the second anniversary of Lee winning Any Dream Will Do, and the Timeline's own first birthday, I invited my readers to join me on a trip down memory lane with a slideshow that meandered in (mostly) chronological order through the previous two years (plus a little bit more because I couldn't leave Any Dream Will Do out of the picture). It took in almost all of Lee's performances, a few of his 'chatty bits' and one or two other key moments along the way.

That was a lot of ground to cover and breaking it up would have interrupted the flow, so depending how long you linger on each picture (I find some hold my attention for a considerable time!) it will take you anything from two to ten minutes (maybe more) to watch.

Worth it though, I think. So, as Lee might say ... enjoy the show!

Last updated: 14/10/2019
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