Lee Mead .. Timeline
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Warners Star Break .. 5-8 November 2021
Lee Mead - Warners Star Break, Nov 2021 As the entertainment and hospitality industry starts to emerge from the dark after an unprecedented shut-down which devastated livelihoods as surely as the reason for it devastated lives, it is a delight to be posting events on the website once more.

Lee will take his fabulous My Band And Me show to two of Warner Leisure's ever popular Star Breaks in the coming months - the first, a return visit to Holme Lacy House in Herefordshire, where he last ventured in May 2015, performing on the Saturday evening of a three-night break from 5 to 8 November 2021. This first date comes close on the heels of his UK tour of the show and nestles neatly between rehearsals for panto - Sleeping Beauty in Bromley - and next year's project. Busy man... and I'm sure Lee's not complaining about that, any more than his fans are!

In the new year, he heads further afield to Nidd Hall, North Yorkshire, again performing on the Saturday evening of a three-night break from 21-24 January 2022. On that occasion, he will be breaking briefly away from the busy touring schedule of Fat Friends - the Musical, in which he stars alongside Sherrie Hewson and Les Dennis from January to July 2022.

For more information or to book, visit the Warner Leisure Hotels website.

Lee's full concert and events schedule (including past appearances) is at CONCERT & LIVE EVENTS

Published: 04/11/2021
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