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Holby City .. 1 August 2017

Aaaaand... we were back this week to Lee being on the cast list but not mentioned in the Radio Times synopsis. And brief though his first appearance was, as hoped, Sacha's storyline drew his Keller Ward colleagues into the action... or more often into a gossiping huddle!

But in the end, Lofty again showed there is much more to him than a dropped folder and a quick escape, providing wise counsel in a touching final scene with Sacha... I am SO loving this Holby City incarnation of Lofty.

Synopsis: When Sacha boasts about his new `lady friend', the team members are eager to meet her, but none are prepared for what unfolds on Keller ward.

Finally, with my apologies to those of the cast who have hit the cutting room floor, is the 'Meady edit'. As always, there are also a few screencaps!

Check out the Timeline's HOLBY & CASUALTY INDEX for all the latest Meady Holby news and episode info.

Last updated: 16/11/2017
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