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Holby City .. 8 August 2017

So, Dom is in something of a snit with Lofty... but surely it can be nothing more than lingering awkwardness after mis-reading the signals (see last week's episode if you don't know what I'm talking about!), for who could resist a Lofty determined to be your friend?!

I keep saying it, but the Holby incarnation of Lofty is a much more satisfying proposition than his Casualty cousin - more finely drawn and very finely acted. We have to do without him for a week, but it sounds like the saga continues when Lee returns to our screens the following week in Wildest Dreams and I'm deliciously intrigued by Inside Soap's spoiler... I'll leave it to you whether or not you read it!

Finally, with my apologies to those of the cast who have hit the cutting room floor, is the 'Meady edit'. As always, there are also a few screencaps! If you want to see more of those bunny ears... the Beeb were good enough to release some behind-the-scenes footage with Lee on the 'Holby cam' for a bit!

Check out the Timeline's HOLBY & CASUALTY INDEX for all the latest Meady Holby news and episode info.

Last updated: 16/11/2017
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