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Any Dream Will Do : Week 11 .. 9 June 2007
The Final - the culmination of three months of excellent television, a new life awaits the winner. First this week's 5-part screencaps:
  • Opener to VT before second solo
  • New York New York
  • Maria and first results
  • Paint It Black
  • JCS and the final results

  • Opening number: The past Joseph hopefuls relinquish their coloured coats once again, leaving the last three standing to battle it out in this final showdown.
    Lee's VT: Lee reflects on what it means to him to have got this far and how he believes he's right and ready for the role...
    Lee's first solo: An interesting wardrobe choice, but a commanding performance... Lee and Elvis go well together!
    Judges' comments: It's positive all the way from the judges tonight (once the stampy fans have quietened down enough to hear what they have to say) - their job is done, it's down to the public now!
    Lee's second solo: With an outstanding performance of an iconic number, Lee shows exactly why he's come so far in the competition...
    Judges' comments: It's fair to say Lee blew the judges away with that one, Andrew too... "If the song was called Torquay Torquay, you'd have made it work tonight [...] you're phenomenal, you're a great showman, you've got everything there."
    Group number: A beautiful song (from 'West End Story' according to Graham!), I couldn't help wishing Lee was singing it solo.
    Lee's VT recap: Some lovely moments in this.
    Lee's third solo: There was no question which song Lee would perform again as his 'series best'... down to the last two, under immeasurable pressure, the intensity of his performance remained undiminished - stunning!
    Duet with Keith: Two great voices, but for me, only Lee found the truth of this song... his interpretation, as it had been throughout the series, was spot on.
    Lee wins! He did it (you knew that already, right?)! The first step on a road that has taken Lee to places he could barely have imagined when he first entered the competition!
    Lee's final solo: How Lee managed to hold it together to sing this after the emotional rollercoaster he'd just climbed off, I'll never know... but I guess that's one of the many reasons he won!
    After-show footage: A few thoughts from Bill Kenwright and John Barrowman on Lee's win.
    Podcast: In the whirlwind of publicity that followed his victory, Lee speaks quietly and calmly about getting to work... if Andrew didn't already know he'd got the right guy, he did now!

    Bonus videos! - hi-res and free of voting numbers - two of Lee's solos:

    Last updated: 06/05/2017
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